Bounce Dryer Sheets vs. Bounce Pet Fresh Dryer Sheets
It’s a problem that’s been around since we’ve domesticated animals, a tail (wink-wink) as old as time. Pet fur gets everywhere, and, as much as you love them, you probably don’t want to show up to the office wearing a fresh coat of loose fur. This is especially a problem if your pet’s fur is the opposite color of your outfit, which is a frequent issue in our household. Black leggings and white cat fur just do not mix. Unless you intend to only adopt a hairless cat or match your new pup to your favorite outfits, you probably need another solution to keep pet hair off your clothes.
Well, you’re in luck! Since we adopted our kitty a couple years ago, we have tried numerous products to try and get some of that fur to stay away. We didn’t find very many preventive measures, and most advice tended to simply recommend keeping a lint roller in every room and brushing your cat whenever you remembered to. We are on-the-go people and tend to forget to grab a lint roller before running out to the car to head to work. We brush our little girl whenever she will let us, but it doesn’t help as much as we want it to - hence why we embarked on this product-testing journey and found a product that really does work. The product? Bounce Pet Fresh Dryer Sheets.
We already use dryer sheets with every load of laundry that we pop in the dryer, so this did not require any lifestyle change or major adjustments to how we were approaching laundry or pet care. It was a very simple swap that had a huge difference. Not to mention, the marketing behind these dryer sheets was very enticing to us. They state that they are specifically designed for pet owners and that you will not need to lint roll as frequently. Sign me up!
Photo Credit: Bounce
These dryer sheets are available at Amazon in Fresh Scent (our personal favorite, we love the smell it gives off throughout our whole apartment) and Unscented (hypoallergenic, for all of my fellow sensitive skin girlies). Bounce refers to these as “Mega Sheets” because they are triple the size of a standard dryer sheet. I think they work three times as well as a normal dryer sheet, but that isn’t backed by any formal study. I also want to point out that these are more expensive than your typical sized dryer sheet, but the pet-repellent powers of these magical dryer sheets make it worth it to me.
Now, I know I’ve hyped up the Bounce Pet Fresh Dryer Sheets a fair amount. Quite a bit, actually. If you paid close attention, you may have noticed that this article is tagged as part of our This Or That series, in which we compare two equivalent products and decide which is better. That means a comparison is coming your way, so stay tuned!
These Bounce Pet Fresh Dryer Sheets, while miracle workers, had me wondering if their effectiveness was rooted in the fact that they were three times the size of a standard dryer sheet. I had to know if using one Pet Fresh sheet would be as good at repelling pet hair as three normal Bounce dryer sheets. Thus, an experiment was born, and I tested how much fur stuck to my clothes from two different loads using each type of dryer sheet: one Pet Fresh vs. three standard.
Photo Credit: AmazonThe experiment was pretty boring, since I was just doing laundry. I hung out around my cat for a few minutes and gave her lots of snuggles while wearing a dark outfit, and then repeated the process with the other type of dryer sheet. Our cat didn't complain, but my clothes did to a varying degree.
With the Pet Fresh dryer sheets, some fur stuck to me (and stuck out like a sore thumb, since her fur is bright white), but it was barely noticeable and came off easily with a pass of the lint roller. I would have been fine to go to the office like that. The three regular dryer sheets, on the other hand… let’s just say I had some cute space gray leggings by the end of our cuddle-sesh. The standard dryer sheets, even with three of them, were just not as effective as the Pet Fresh ones. I have grown very fond of those mega sheets of pure fur-repellent power, and I intend to keep paying the little premium for them since they have proven to be so effective. The only way for you to truly understand the power is by testing them yourself, so please give them a try and let me know! Not to mention, they make your clothes feel super soft, so that’s always a plus. I am one of those people that puts used dryer sheets into my shoes, and I can confirm that the Bounce Pet Fresh Dryer sheets maintain their scent long after being put through the dryer.
Another Pet Fur Protection Option:
Photo Credit: Amazon
One other product that we have heard some success with is the FurZapper Hair Remover, with the tagline, “Shed Happens!” We love a catchy slogan here at, so they have that going for them. We love that this option is reusable and more sustainable, so we intend to try it once our jumbo box of Bounce Pet Fresh dryer sheets runs out. If you have tried this product and want to share your experience, please leave a comment for us down below. We'll be sure to update this article when we get around to reviewing the FurZapper as well.
If you liked this edition of This or That, you might be interested in a cat food battle we had not too long ago. In case you can't tell, we love comparing cat products. Check it out here: Lil' Soups vs Savory Broths Review and Comparison